
Chris & Hazel

Chris & Hazel

Amongst the decisions my hubby and I made during our wedding preparation, if we were given an opportunity to choose all over again, we might have gone with a different photographer, a different banquet venue and the list goes on. The only decision that would have stayed the same for sure would be our Bridal Studio. It would still be Castalia Wedding and not any other Bridal Studio. It was a decision we didn't regret even till date. I thought I would just do an open sharing of our joyful experience with Castalia Wedding here.


  1. Professionalism

    We did our fair share of research prior to signing the package. In fact, Castalia was the first stop we visited as I was really attracted by my friend's pre wedding shoot which was also taken at Castalia. Their pictures speak something and we were rather convinced that Castalia was the one we were looking for. However, being a kiasu bride-to-be back then, I wanted to keep my options open and make some comparisons before signing the package. We went on further to numerous bridal shops (both in Singapore and JB). The bridal shops along the stretch at Tanjong Pagar, River Valley, City Square, KSL, you name it we probably would have combed and inquired. In fact, we were offered a really attractive package by one of the Bridal House we went to. The person in charge who wanted to use our pictures as sample practically showed hand and offered us a package that no other Bridal House could match (Free upgrade to Crystal Album, upgrade of album size, number of poses etc). Not forgetting, the gowns were gorgeous as well! To be honest, we were really tempted! I am so glad we didn't sign and went back to Castalia instead. It dawned upon me that at the end of the day, it really isn't the package or gowns that matters. A good photographer can do wonders to an ordinary looking gown and give the best gown to a mediocre   photographer and it will still look like crap. So what if we are getting many poses for the same price, if none of those pictures mean anything to us or speaks through our heart. It will just be the same feeling of viewing others' wedding album at a wedding banquet. We can never thank Castalia enough, for the effort of the whole team to put together an album that tells a 7 years story of us. The photographer Ian took time off his packed schedule and made it a point  to communicate with us and understand us better as a couple, what our hobbies are, how we got to know each other etc. Couples who have their pre-wedding photo shoot taken by Ian before would know him as a photographer who is constantly thinking out of the box. Ian showed us a sneak preview of the shots he took during our photo shoot which thrilled me in the midst of our photo shoot. I was really impressed by the way he could make something extraordinary out of an ordinary scene just by a slight tweak. He could have taken a shot that he usually does and we would have been equally satisfied. Instead of taking the easy way out, Ian went the extra mile to explore. That's 用心 for you.

  2. Personalised album

    An album that speaks much about us as a couple. We have seen so many wedding albums that are just too mainstream sadly, with similar backdrops or sceneries. There are too many photos we have seen with beautiful couples taken against a beautiful background, but somehow some element was missing and the two subjects didn't connect. Too many photographers out there do not go the extra mile to explore alternatives which explains why the overall feel and even the postures are somewhat similar. It's a pity when I see couples spending so much on their Taiwan or even Korean photo shoot and end up having an album that's yet another replicated album. To date, my hubby and I have yet to come across any wedding photo album that's anything similar like ours. We are really thankful to have an album that's uniquely us for the price we paid :) It’s totally value for money! I would say for the price I paid for, is the price an average couple paid for a very basic album in Singapore?

  3. Customer Centric Service

    That's beyond my expectation. Being in service industry myself, I can't emphasize further the importance of understanding your client's needs instead of hard selling. This is probably why I have always enjoyed going to Castalia. I joined a couple of forums, Facebook page of which many of the brides to be were sharing about their stressful experience for them over at the bridal house, constantly fearing that they will be upsell by the person in charge. Never for a moment did I feel stressed about being upsell over at Castalia. In fact, even after the album collection, my hubby and I still felt very welcome as before. Castalia may be a small firm and may not be as well established as some of the big name yet, but the service they provide far supercede the rest of the bridal houses we went to. You can feel the team genuinely happy for you on your Big Day.

  4. Album Layout and Design

    My hubby and I were really too fortunate to have Joey who put together all the beautiful shots from scratch for us. Many a times we have seen albums with very effortless compilation (Simply Boxed up or same theme pictures blended into the 2 pages). One look from our album and you could tell Joey who has an eye for detail has given meticulous   thoughts before putting the pictures in a meaningful sequence.


Looking back at our album, I have always felt we underpaid Castalia for the effort the entire team put in to put together our album for us. We really didn't know what else we could ask despite me being a really difficult bride with high expectations. Let's just let the pictures speak for itself! :)

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Chun Cheng & Ching Ying



其实我太太只想租件婚纱ROM订婚时穿而已,所以我们在JB area开始慢慢寻找,我们去了很多间婚纱店已表明只要租件婚纱,但服务员就转移话题问是想拍配套吗?配套多少钱又多少钱,我只是心想哇靠多少钱不是大问题而是你们有本事赚吗?走马看花后我们拍拍屁股走人。 直到走进*Castalia Wedding Gallery*服务员Helen亲切地上前招待,在聊天过程当中她明白我们要的是什么后就让我们知道租件婚纱不划算,如在*Castalia*签配套拍摄室内户外男女各共5套西装婚纱,结婚当天女会有两件婚纱一件晚装,男会有黑白西装衣各一件,而且我们可以在当中扣出一件婚纱拿去订婚时穿听到这我们开始想了解更多就要求看照片看了后哇正是我们要的拍摄手法简单中带干净干净中带浪漫浪漫中带梦幻的感觉,我们订婚期到结婚期相差8个月,原本只想租件婚纱然后再慢慢找才拍婚纱照,但要遇到对的缘份好的招待重要是自己想要的并不容易于是我们答应签了配套。

之后就安排时间和摄影师沟通,我们的摄影师*Yen* 哇一个光溜溜的头不懂以为他是出来混的哈哈。。没啦~开玩笑,他是一个很随和很幽默很能聊的摄影师直到拍摄当天会有个助手*Wei Xian*他很能帮得上忙打灯摆设样品乔端正衣服等等包到完。


然后所有手尾方面的东西都是由一位非常热情随和又漂亮的*Low Joey*来帮我们解决她是一匹黑马因为从我们见面到目前为此她都身穿黑衣黑裤好像黑社会大姐大哈哈哈。。。其实她在很多方面都会以她最大的能力范围内帮我们安排与解决比如说哪几张放在album内同个page会比较顺眼各种idea等等。。还有我太太之前已选了结婚当天两件婚纱过后是我觉得其中一件不是很满意了她也安排换给我们,而且对换的那件婚纱是刚到的她也知道我们要的是什么所以就与我们分享,总之她真的帮了我们夫妻俩很多大忙感谢妳漂亮的美女。

最后我和太太要向*Castalia*(一流摄影师)*Yen*Roy*(一流服务员)JOEY*Helen*JC*Wei Xian*还有一些后面才加入的员工,虽然我们还不熟但也要一起为所有工作人员献上深深的感谢,你们全部都太棒了给你们无数个赞Like谢谢你们热情真诚的招待感恩…感恩我肯定将来的*Castalia*生意必蒸蒸日上客似云来数钱数到手软征服整个JB。

所有即将考虑结婚的伴侣们*Castalia Wedding Gallery*拍摄婚纱照绝对是最值得最佳的选择。

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Chun Cheng & Ching Ying

Kok Leong & Sherlyn

Kok Leong & Sherlyn

结婚一生一次,当然会对婚纱店的要求很高。事先做了功课,也去了满多间店,但是都感觉不对。刚巧经过Castalia,被Joey 的友善和开朗的性格留下好影响。听了配套和看了照片都觉不错, 没在做多一点的research,就签了!果然在这几个月的筹备,非常感谢Castalia的每位工作人员的专业和耐心。店长Joey非常细心的为顾客设想,通情达理让我们有一个愉快的过程。可爱的JC对完美主义的我实在是耐心百倍,我都受不了自己了,但是她还是敬业乐业的协助我的要求。摄影师Ah Yen实在是赞,不厌其烦的教我们如何摆pose,逗我们笑和当然他的厉害就是能让不这样的地方拍出来都变的很有美感。摄影助理Wei Xian把小细节都照顾到,让大家都很放心的享受拍照过程。当然还有化妆师Silva的巧手让我变得美美的~。非常推荐Castalia!下次如果拍结婚周年纪念我们一定会想到Castalia。

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Pierre & Christine

Superb!! Good and friendly service!!! Thanks to Joey, Helen, JC, Roy and Yen for the awesome photo shooting and experiences!!

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Pierre & Christine

Astley & Serene

Astley & Serene

Thank you to all Castalia's staffs who had participated in our photo shooting.

A special thank you to Helen, who was with me throughout the process of gown selection. For helping to set aside the gowns you think suits me, saves us a lot of time and yet she never fails to remind me to just follow my heart to choose what I want. Thank you for remembering my balloons too! Such small details and you remembered!

Thank you to my pretty make up artist, Silvia for dolling me up! Despite being out in the hot sun, she makes little careful efforts to make sure I am still looking good. Enjoyed our girly chats with you.

Thank you Wei Xian for his patience and guiding, especially on where to look at. Without your hand my eyes are really going all over the place!!! Really appreciate him too for always being smiley and approachable and today I also learned that he is a very responsible person coz he is a very very careful driver.

Thank you Johnson for accompanying us today too! You have been a great help and I hope you can stay in this big Castalia family as I believe you can learn a lot of thing here!!

Last but not least, our very professional and friendly photographer : Yen! You are really what we are looking for in a photographer!!! Felt so at ease with him during both indoor and outdoor shootings. He kept cheering and encouraging us during the shootings and his passion for his work really surprises us! After a long hot day at the stables, he can still whip out his very pro camera when he sees an interesting spot for a shooting! He's like a fully charged Energizer battery and we also had nice and very meaningful chats with him on our car rides. Really learnt a lot from this awesome man!

Of course also very thankful to other staffs, who always helped us to call for cab and being so smiley!

Really highly recommend this bridal shop to all newly weds to be.

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Wei Siang & Miaw Huey





主角呈现自己,Castalia Wedding呈现团队

感谢Castalia Wedding把最自在的我们呈现出来


不经改过的东西最自然,准备结婚的朋友们,还在等什么?如果你像我没什么要求要求却更高,没时间一改再改要一次perfect,喜欢整个过程想像在跟家人合作的感觉,Castalia Wedding 一定可以做到,敢敢签吧!

再次感谢Castalia Wedding全天团队用心的打造,让专辑这么自然这么完美!爱你们!

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Wei Siang & Miaw Huey

Tommy & Queen

Tommy & Queen

NICE and very good service from all of Them^^ Love them so much especially great service from JC and Joey's Team. All of them are really nice ❤

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William & Stella

Castalia Wedding, the real gem in JB and some said in Singapore!




我的摄影师Ah Yen, 人心地好,拍照技术一级棒。摄影助理Wei Xian 也是个体贴的小男孩。



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William & Stella

Young Chun & Stephanie

Young Chun & Stephanie

非常喜欢Castalia里工作人员的服务态度。不仅专业、友善、随和,还非常有趣。特别是Joey,Helen和JC,对待顾客似乎就像与朋友一样,让我在Castalia里带着轻松愉快玩闹的心情选择自己喜欢的婚纱。在拍摄时虽然刚开始很紧张,但非常专业的摄影师Yen会用冷笑话把现场的气氛弄得很搞笑,逗得大家都把自然的一面表现出来。另外,要特别感谢Wei Xian和Jay。外景拍摄的时候,虽然Wei Xian你生病了,但你还是非常细心的帮我调整好婚纱的每一个小细节。而Jay也认真努力地帮我整理好头发,以漂亮的造型拍照。最后就谢谢2位很棒的化妆师,我忘了你们的名字!不好意思啦!谢谢你们^.^

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Glenn & Candy

Hi all, just want to share my experience with the JB wedding boutique, I went to 3 bridal boutique, SG bridal, Touch bridal and Castalia wedding gallery, I end up choosing Castalia, compare to the 2 bridal boutique, the first impression that Castalia consultant Joey and JC given me was very friendly whereby not like the other 2 which I feel like they are pushing their higher end package.

I must say a very big thanks to Joey and JC that fulfilled me and my fiancée needs, they really understand what does a newly wed couple needs, they are also very friendly and humorous at the same time, most important they knew how to break the ICE and give us chance to voice our opinion and the whole atmosphere will become very comfortable, as you all may know, most of us first time get married knows nothing and quite shy to ask this and that, but Joey and JC they were very patient and show us the sample photo that looks like what we want in our photo shoot.

From the Photo sample I look, Castalia photographer is very professional, by looking at the photo is like bring you to the place, I must say the photographer make the picture come alive, compare to most of the wedding boutique I saw, their photo really made a difference and all the angles lighting was perfect shot I must say.

One thing I like also is they had a wide range of suit and gown, and to find a gown for my fiancée is very hard, as her taste of fashion was super high expectation, if my fiancée is able to find her gown at Castalia, I believe all the brides to be will be able to easily find it over there too.

As my wedding was at 22 of November 2014... I had done my photo shoot In May, and I already got some sample of the soft copy, haha, well I must say is fabulous, if anyone of you had spoken to Yen, around May or June, I believe he sure got share with you the piano that I brought along that i suggest my idea to him on shooting.. I really super like Yen photo skill, Top photographer, he is also very patient, imagine, the piano I bring was like the size of a 14"inch netbook, I ask him whether can shoot till like me and my wife is playing the piano, and he say its challenging and he never did this kind of shoot before, so we spent like 30 to 40 min to catch the angle, and the overall result, he really can do it haha... next one, I also bring along my basketball attire, and see whether can he shoot me like you know NBA Slam dunk pose, also he never tried in the indoor studio before, so we give a head and try, and I almost tear the whole studio lol cozs of the stance like jump around 20 times and Roy also like the idea and came up to take a look.

Next was the Desaru shoot, I must admit, I was so lucky that day, as the sea and the beach color was amazing, even Yen also said that he never see such a beautiful scene in his 20 years of photo taking at Desaru, there is also one place where I suggest to you all, if you are afraid of height please don't shoot at a particular cliff, as it is close to 3 Storey high and below is all the small cliff with sharp edges, as for me, I am well train of the terrain walking so I actually bring my wife up and the photo take at that spot was super amazing, of course, must also thanks Yen and Wei Xian for making all this possible, as Wei Xian has to find lighting spot and it was not easy for him...

When on the way back, I know this time really siao liao, I confirm will choose a lot of photo, coz Ah Yen photo skill is super solid, and very natural, photo was really come alive, overall no regret to sign package with Castalia and i still own Joey one Coffee Bean...

Now it had been in a few month, i went back to Castalia that day... i spoke to Joey about my actual day photo which was mess up by the Singapore photographer that i had engaged. The whole 1000 plus photo was all blurish. Joey ask me to bring over to let her take a look and see whether she can help to salvage the photo...i must say Castalia really treat all their client like their friends..especially Roy teach me photoshop skill to salvage my photo.. after the photo manage to recover about 90 percent of clarity. I really very thankful to Castalia especially Roy and Joey... at least my actual day photo can now be my memories to keep.

My rating for Castalia is 5/5 stars, keep up the good works, I will definitely recommend my friends visit Castalia.

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Glenn & Candy

Dallas & Cherlise

Dallas & Cherlise

Castalia was the first bridal studio we approached and we signed on that very day. The crew is very passionate and service was great. We do especially adore the photos taken by Yen and team, relatives and friends were gushing over them. Special thanks to Joey, Helen, Eva, JC and Yen for their wonderful help along this special journey of ours. 贊!

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Guan Kiong & Ling Ji


会在这里拍是有原因的首先服务态度很好、不会诸多限制、诸多要求和强求你加配套。服务员都是很尽职,有求必应。还有位挺好玩的teh c服务员。



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Guan Kiong & Ling Ji

Gary & Cathleen

Gary & Cathleen

Thank you Castalia, especially Joey, JC, Helen teams. You all give us a great service in our pre wedding shooting. And special thank you to Ah Yen the photographer. I love all the photos that he took.

Great service and all the staffs are very polite. Highly recommended!!!

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Hock & Susan


特别感谢Joey, JC, Helen帮我挑选漂亮的礼服,以及每次你们的招待让我们好温暖 还有要谢谢Yen & Wei Xian,你让我们在拍摄中都非常enjoy!哈哈。

谢谢你们!Castalia is the BEST!!!

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Hock & Susan

Michael & Pheobe

Michael & Pheobe

Just to share a review for Castalia since we have benefited from the forum here. We took up a package with them a few months ago and we can say we are absolutely happy with their service and attitude. We were served by JC, Joey and as well their photographer, Ah Yen spoke to us even before we took the package. We are impressed by his photography skills and an even simple and down to earth surrounding, he can make it really good. You can tell by the photo posted by Glenn. We didn't take their theme package as we are under budget and I must say they are really accommodating. So far our experience with them is that they have not hard sell us but they do stick to their principle to ensure up to standards especially on how to prepare for PS and selection of photos to make the album.

Joey is really bubbly and cheerful all the times. She is really good at touching up our wedding photo too. We are happy to have JC to help us with our gowns selection, and she will make sure we are happy with the photo design before we move on to another photo design. Be prepare to go down a few times if you really want your album to look well as that's what we do. So just spend what your pocket allows you and they will take care the rest! Overall they are really friendly and helpful.

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Scott & Felicia

The whole team at Castalia was most accommodating when me and my partner Scott had our pre-wedding photos done.

Amazing service, and everyone worked with us as we had a very tight schedule flying in from Perth the same day we had our indoor photo shoot.

Excellent teamwork, thank you for being so understanding and coordinating everything with us over telephone and emails!

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Scott & Felicia

Rex & Kaddy

Rex & Kaddy

感谢Castalia Wedding Gallery的全体同仁,相信你们专业与亲切的态度,生意一定蒸蒸日上。特别感谢:


Joey - 从试婚纱到选婚纱照,感谢你一直从旁协助,给予我们最好的意见与建议,让每个环节都顺利完成,你亲切友善的态度,对于Castalia的顾客都是一种幸福。

Helen - 感谢你们帮我试婚纱,身为当事人的我都觉得好累,更何况是你们呢。。嘿嘿,手一定很酸吧!不好意思啦!


如果大家想排出自己故事的婚纱照,不妨参考看看Castalia 的作品,绝对让你们满意。别忘了去Castalia Wedding Gallery 的FB"赞"哦〜

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Bastian & Meng Qing

A group of crews who treated you like their own family member.

Castalia is the only bridal shop we visited and their warm hospitality and 'work' made us know that we can entrusted them with the biggest event in our life.

Giving you the best advice, never try once to hard sell you anything. We made the full payment way before our photo shoot to avoid the gst and still, good services continued.

We just collected our album and is extreme happy with the product. What we received is way beyond what we had paid for.

A thank you will definitely not be enough to show our appreciate to the Castalia family but still, 谢谢你们 especially to JC, Joey, Catherine, Eva, Yan, Wei Hian, Helen and all of them for being so accommodative to our every single request. Thanks for giving us an album with the most beautiful memories. Thanks for the good services and all the advises you all have given to us. Thanks for proving that we did not make the wrong decision to sign up with Castalia :)

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Bastian & Meng Qing

Darryll & Carmen

Darryll & Carmen

Thanks for the good work and make the photo shooting more relaxing. The crews are friendly and helpful. Trust me, they are not pushy! Bride to be out there, Castalia Wedding Gallery will be your right choice.

Once again, thank you very much. Looking forward to my album collection day.

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Eric & Vivien

Signing up with Castalia is one of the best decisions ever that my husband and me have made! He made the decision to sign up with them as he like their photos.

When you are already vexed by the thousands and one things for marriage,

Castalia offer you an assurance that everything would be well-taken care of~

And you can feel their sincerity in truly treating you as their friends :)

From Joey, JC, Eva, Helen, Catherine, Wei Hian to Ah Yen, you would be filled with good accompany, lots of laughter and golden advice always :)

Like when we are in doubt on choosing 床头照 or not, Joey offer her good suggestions on what are in trend nowadays, and acceptable from our Parents to enable us to make a good decision. During the choosing of gowns, JC the 小妹妹 is always swift and patient in helping you to choose a suitable gowns. During the Pre-wedding shoot, make-up artist Eva is very attentive and make sure that every details for your make-up is well taken care of. Wei Hian the soft spoken guy, is always patient, polite and nice, teaching you how to pose for photos-taking~ Adjusting your wedding dress, holding the "打灯" without any complaints. While, Ah Yen is always full of enlightening and meaningful words for you, and he really open your eyes to what a good photographer really means :)

All in all, I would definitely recommend Castalia to our friends :) You know you are in good hands when you can feel that they are not out to earn your money, but to plan and ensures your marriage is a smooth-running and happy one for you :) Thank you so much! I gotta miss u all after our wedding :)

If you are in doubt on who to choose, always remember that Castalia is the one to count on ;) ;)

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Eric & Vivien

Total of 134 testimonials.